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  • The Madness, Today

    So, here's a bit of the Madness, today. I've been working on new pieces lately, and it's been a lot of fun. The new collection is called "Triads", however it is still a work in progress. It will be comprised of nine necklaces divided in 3 sub-collections, all with raw Larimar stones for maximum impact. Five of them are ready for some loving while I work on the last four. But before I share the images of the ones already done, I wanted to share some news. You see, I will be joining a group of very talented artists on a residency program in Japan. I am now part of the Fusion family of artists. This is a dream come true for me, and though I'm not much of a pictures kind of guy, I'll try to take a few to share with y'all. So for the remainder of April, I will be enjoying the creative process in the land of the rising sun. To learn more about it and meet the other artists, visit THIS website. And now, for the main event, here are the pictures of the 5 pieces from the new collection.

  • New Collections!

    So, as promised, here are the news about the new collections being worked on. For the past couple of months, a lot of design work has been done here at theMadness. While I'm still working on the rest of the collections, three of them are ready to be shared. You can check them out with more detail at the Portfolio area of the website, or at the Store. But here's the TLDR on them. In the Vines These 5 pieces are inspired (like most of my work) by nature and its grasp on our reality. The stones are (from left to right) Sodalite, Prehnite, Malachite, Lepidolite and Picture Jasper. The common element in their design is the single vine going around each stone with a couple green leafs, meant to represent that side of nature that is always around us. The next element they share is how each pendant is connected to the neck-string, using a spiral pattern, sharing the color of the stones themselves. Threaded This collection came about from the idea of creating designs meant for wire wrapping and then applying them to thread. The process was quite interesting, considering that I didn't have a thread thin enough to emulate the designs properly. To solve this issue, the regular 1mm Linhasita thread that I regularly use was divided in half, allowing for smaller and more delicate designs. The four chosen Larimar cabochons are truly accentuated by the design around them. I love them, what do you think? Coral Duet When our world evolves, things happen that sometimes we rather ignore. That idea happens in the social level as well as the personal level. One way to represent this concept is mixing deep sea and dry land, considering that what was once underwater for thousands of years is now under our feet as we walk on it. I convey this idea by mixing Coral with vines, leafs and cocoon-like settings for the stones. The result speaks for itself. And yes, it seems like I have a thing for spirals, as well as for nature. I am currently working on five more collections, mostly Larimar stones, yet other stones have already been put aside for future designs and works. Most of them are necklaces, but I do have a few bracelets in the plans. I just have to get around to making them, even though I have found comfort in making neck pieces. There is a lot going on here at the workshop. From new books and stories, collaborations, and even some surprises I rather not spoil just yet. More greatness to come your way so stay tuned for news and updates on these matters. Irie bless!

  • The Poetic Endeavor

    On December 23rd, 2023, I published "Twenty-One Murders", a suspense short novel with an intense aim towards mental health and self discovery. Three days ago, on February 10th, 2024, I published "Dimensional", known to me as "the Poetic Endeavor" (I like to give weird names to my books sometimes...). It's a poetry compilation with a curated collection of the past 23 years. It is certainly a pleasure for me to finally put these works out there for everyone to enjoy. In these poems you can find my evolution as a person. The many paths I've taken to define who I am, even if they're not in a chronological order. What it does have is a very interesting presentation of the works. It plays with the concept of duality through two main languages, plus a few trilingual pieces, to bring about confusion and critical thought. The truth is that without the poetic endeavor, my evolution as a writer would have never happened. It is through poetry that I play the game of cat and mouse with my thoughts. With new and creative ways to express myself and describe my environment, I bring my truth to live through prose and rhyme. In other news, I also have a few new macramé collections in the works. Beautiful new pieces with great stones and unique designs. I'll be soon releasing some of them so, stay tuned for those. I might bring before and after pictures, but not so much from in between... we'll see. This 2024 will have a lot of new things going on. I have a few surprises, plus a couple good news that I rather wait until they materialize before making any announcements for. But know that theMadness is manifesting proper. Sometimes, good things do happen. Irie bless!

  • Long overdue news update

    Welcome to this Holiday Extravaganza! For the past 8 months I've been silently working on my next projects. It has been a long period of hard work and dedication towards the goal in sight. Today I can gladly share where these projects stand, and it's a pleasure to claim solid ground. So here's your news update. With great pride I hereby announce that the Holiday season will see the official independent release of my newest short novel "Twenty-One Murders" (get it now Here!). A psychological suspense story with an interesting approach to storytelling. It deals with issues such as mental health and self discovery, and leaves the reader with interesting questions about the reality of life. I hope y'all can appreciate the madness within this project and embrace the journey with its main character. Can't wait to read your feedback! You can also check out the illustrations here. Regarding the other projects, I am still trying to figure out how to bypass some restrictions in order to publish one of my most creative books so far, or so I'd like to believe. A poetry compilation with a very unique take on presentation. My hope is to be able to release it by February 2024, but if the odds wind up being to complex, be ready for a double feature. Then there's also a hardcover print version of the entire Volume One of the Ookami webcomic. All six chapters in one beautiful graphic novel, very much dressed to impress. That one is coming out Summer 2024. With regards of Volume 2 of the Ookami webcomic, after a technical issue with one of the external ssd's that resulted in the loss of a lot of work, this particular project remains on the back burner. I was pushed way back by that mishap, and now I need to practically start over from scratch. The third album is even further away. Still both projects remain in my to-do list, so worry not, their time will come. Lastly around the final quarter of the year we'll have the release of "7531", the cherry. A book with 8 short stories that play very deeply with the concepts of Death, Life and Acceptance. This one's an interesting project for me. It is the first time I use AI as a reference tool for the illustrations, and it has shown promissing results. Out of fear of spoiling anything, I will keep the details, but do know that, well, this one's a doozy! In any case, though you may hear a silence or see a long hiatus, know that I'm always here, always working towards the next projects, may they be literary and/or artisanal. So thank you for your patience and love. It is very much appreciated. 'Til next time, and here's to hoping that it doesn't take forever for me to give you another update :p Enjoy the festivities and remember that there is always room for love. Irie bless!

  • In the meantime...

    Although what has been happening at the workshop can't be shown just yet, here's a little something I've been playing with for a few days now. Some call it the fun side of digital illustration, I call it Digital Illustration for the Procras-Creator, an essay on project management... Whenever I feel stressed or bored, I grab my pad and do one of these. There's many more, but these 4 are particularly special, and the ones to be considered as "finished" to whatever degree. Hope y'all like them, Irie Bless!

  • Latest setups

    So these are some of the places we've been in the past couple weeks representing theMadness. It is with great pleasure that we can say that theMadness is all around! Sooner rather than later, we'll be interacting and activating new paths and sharing them here with you all. Irie bless!

  • At the metal show

    Early afternoon. The festival is slowly but surely filling up. The music is raw and powerful, the people energetic and lovely. Here we are making things happen and working towards a better scene! Irie bless!

  • Back to the Markets!

    And just like that we're going back to the streets with hardcore enthusiasm and desire for greatness. The first one of the summer season will be this upcoming 18th of June, at Mercedes 313, Santo Domingo. We thank the crew at EcoMarket for the chance to be a part of their event. So those of you in the DR are welcome to come by and see what theMadness has in store for you! Irie bless!

  • Currency to Jewelry

    Because when the energy hits, the fire burns bright. I sit on my desk, late night forging, and as I fold these coins to rings, the great feeling of accomplishment comes back like a hidden memory. The coins fold comfortably even after busting the hole puncher. So rewarding to see the rings shine when finished. Can't wait to see how the whole collection winds up. I'll bring some pictures soon. Next is the new collection of affordable yet complex macramé necklaces, plus a bunch of pendants and maybe some bracelets for a change. Stay tuned for more updates. Irie Bless!

  • From Coal to Diamond

    The seemingly infinite pressure is enough to change the course of the most sturdy vessel. Today is a new day, now is a new time, and these drops are a new kind of sweat. Because in order to move forward from stagnation, from the inmovable position, from death, a rebirth is necessary. The new path is undeniable, so ride away, cowboy.

  • Square One

    And we're back in the starting line. This race is nothing new, and we are ready for the path ahead. A new face for theMadness is here, with a new and improved website and layout, new pieces and more on the way, a new official store with lower prices, a more comfortable mobile layout, and lastly vast new ways to interact with theMadness. This revival brings with it a no non-sense policy so to focus all our energy on creating the beautiful art pieces and stories you and I love so much. The hiatus was long, but we have healed and theMadness within is rampant. The wait is over. Clases are officially open, freelance services are up and running, the workshop is anxious for action and creativity. Join me and my consequences through this journey and allow theMadness in your heart to manifest in this world. Browse around the new website and surely you'll find something of your liking. Irie Bless!

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