Newsletter #011
Hello, Everyone!
In order to make some progress with the illustrations, I skipped last week's newsletter, because the time it takes to make this is relevant. But nevertheless, let's get to it and share with y'all the goods and news within theMadness.

Last week, the city had the opportunity to listen to the voices of various local writers and poets, myself included. It was part of the international event "100 Mil Poetas por el Cambio", which in DR happened in the Centro Cultural de España Santo Domingo. Over 30 writers stood on stage and gifted their voices to the audience. Some recited poetry, others shared small essays, or extract from their novels. Yours truly also added a bit of madness to this event, and recited two poems from my book "Dimensional", published last February.

The reception was pretty good, but I must admit I was a bit out of shape when it comes to being on stage. Practice is around the corner though so, patience is all that's left. In the meantime I guess I can share that I'm considering doing some audiovisual content with the poetry book. I'm still considering how to approach it, but the options are solid... I just need to take the concept to action, and get the tools to record properly... Once things have taken shape, I'll be back with more details on it. In the meantime, remember to get your copy of "Dimensional" here.

On another note, from October 10 to the 13, I will be a part of the Gwangju International Art Fair, in the city of Gwangju, South Korea. The illustrations being presented there are part of my short novel "Bitácora de un Alpinista", published in 2014. As a part of the fair, the chance of my work being shown at the National Biennale in Gwangju is also on the table so, things are really looking up. May this step open the road for many more opportunities. And if you're in the area, send pictures!

Also something I'd like to share, even if it's a bit early. This next November I will be presenting the new edition of "Gaia 0" at the "Feria Internacional del Libro Santo Domingo 2024". The fair will run from the 7th to the 17th of November, and I'll be there the 11th with my madness. The time is limited but I'll provide a brief description on the book and a few minutes for questions from the audience and the press, maybe. I will be there all day from 9am to 9pm with all of my books, signing the copies you acquire and showing a few illustrations from those books. If things work proper and as planned, I'll have a few prints of the illustrations as well for your more affordable pleasure.
And now...
The Shared Madness
It feels like October is the month for cultural festivals in the DR. Here you have a few and far between events, here and there. Enjoy!

Paula Saneaux and many others
"What you hope is beneath your skin"
Persons Unknown Gallery
Los Angeles, California, USA
The Dominican artist Paula Saneaux is one of many artists in this group exhibit happening on the west coast, in the city of angels. The show itself is based on a phrase once written by Frank O'Hara, "What you hope is beneath your skin, is beneath your skin". A phrase that is loaded with meaning and that these talented artists will take to heart and represent in the many ways they see fit, with a tint of red all over...
Open from September 28th to October 20th

"XIX Festival Internacional de Danza Contemporánea"
Santo Domingo
The festivals' month, it seems, begins with EDANCO 2024. Contemporary Dance is a fabulous and very expressive form of art, and this is an opportunity to experience the beauty of movement through various dance interpretations. This is happening at various locations around the city. For more information, visit their Instagram.
Runs from September 21st to October 6th

Semana Internacional de la PoesÃa, 2024
"13 Años de PoesÃa"
Santo Domingo
A whole week for Poetry, along side many other events such as art shows, book presentations, many talks and a plethora of international authors that have been invited to share their visions. No venue has been announced so far, only the dates, invitees, and other production details. For more information, visit their Instagram.
Runs from October 17th to the 23rd

Festival Nacional de Teatro 2024
Santo Domingo
More than twenty shows in different venues all over the city of Santo Domingo. Ten days of pure theater for the cheapest price in the market. Seats on the National Theater, the Fine Arts Palace, the Fine Arts School, and many other theaters around the city will be only 200 pesos, that's less than 4 bucks. You can't miss it! Check out the whole program HERE!
Runs from October 20th to the 30th
Newsletter Highlight
Taina Almodovar
Dominican Author and Illustrator living in Spain.

This is an easy choice to highlight. A determined woman with a wonderful view of the world, and a deep connection to her roots. Taina is probably one of the most accomplished Dominican artists within the international community and diaspora.

Her beautiful illustrations are truly a window to her vision and it proves that the world does have a beautiful side and we can appreciate it.
She has been honored several times for her work and dedication to the arts. One such honor was the Diego Velásquez Price, given to her in May this year, in appreciation of her efforts to unify and promote the arts between the Dominican Republic and Spain. And that's just one of many, and you can be sure she is deserving of these recognitions.
Go show her some love on Instagram @tainalovestodraw.
That is all for this newsletter, share it with your friends and family. Have a wonderful week, remember to join theFamily if you haven't yet and, to continue growing the community, we also have The Madness Broadcasted on Instagram with some exclusive interactions and first-looks at the things we have cooking. Never forget to embrace #theMadness in you!
Irie bless!